In 2010 the new boiler replaced the outdated coal-fired boiler. Two Clayton SEOG-304 steam generators were installed together with the necessary accessories for the storage and preparation of boiler water. Set of devices and fittings had been sent along with the necessary instructions and guidance to the client, where the local contractor made the installation. Then IWT Intech specialists carried out on-site commissioning and necessary quality tests.
That way the Customer - Eurasian Food [1] gained a modern boiler with a capacity of 6 MW and nearly 10 tons of steam per hour performance. It significantly improved the steam quality and reduced operating costs. After four years of operation the boiler has been subjected to general inspection in order to maintain high standards of work.
During a week-long service trip a burner adjustment, maintenance and update of an generators drivers and main controller was made. Water softening station controller was reprogrammed. An onsite maintenance training course was conducted for boiler room personnel. IWT Intech offers warranty and post warranty services for their customers, as well as other Clayton steam generators that are non contract users.
Clayton of Belgium had requested for an upgrade and relaunch of an already working installation designed and constructed by a third party contractor. This contract was a milestone achievement for IWT Intech also major privilege and a challenge we were exited to take forward.
Incomplete technical documentation made the initial inspection and upgrade assessment very difficult and time consuming. Thanks to over 20 years of experience we were able to takeover the installation and make it ready for planned upgrades. The commissioning of two new generators with an almost 4 MW capacity each went ahead as planned. After nearly two weeks of testing, revising of the processes and procedures the upgraded boiler installation gained full power and efficiency. The customer highly rated our service and support.
[1] Eurasian Foods - one of the leaders in the food industry in Kazakhstan. Company represents over 50 items of high-quality products with the production capacity exceeding 120 thousand tons of finished products per year. It employs more than 2000 employees.