"Institute of Technical Implementation INTECH, with registered office in Gdańsk, ul. Jaśkowa Dolina 84, realized in our Institute at the turn of 2003/2004 comprehensive investment task on the basis of winning unlimited tender published in the Public Procurement Bulletin. The subject of the task was the assembling of 1,6 MPa steam installation intended to supply test stands and the construction of an energy condenser test stand in the laboratory of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences. Start-up and commissioning took place in 2004.
The project was accomplished in accordance with the assumptions in the "turnkey" system - including the steps of the investment process, such as: design documentation adaptation, equipment and materials supply, prefabrication and installation in the lab and finally launching all system elements together along with professional personnel training. Entrusted works company has performed taking into account the solutions that enabled lowering the costs of the project, simultaneously improving its functionality. It should be emphasized that during the investment INTECH also had to solve unusual and extremely responsible technical solutions of the installation. Company has fulfilled all of these tasks in an exemplary way, ensuring the maintenance of all required technical parameters of the installation, as well as high quality, aesthetics and careful performance. It should be also emphasized that the INTECH was responding flexibly to emerging needs and to any investor suggestions.
We acknowledge that INTECH is a solidly technically prepared company and have extensive experience in performing complex steam boiler plants assembly and installations, as well as technical installations and industrial automation systems, including solutions that meets highly demanding requirements. We consider that INTECH realized the investment exemplary and we recommend it as a reliable and trustworthy contractor."
Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery - Polish Academy of Sciences
prof. Marian Trela, Centre for Thermomechanics of Fluids
"Based on our long-standing relationship with the INTECH company we can confirm its reliability, technical preparation and experience in performing complex assembly installations as well as technical installations and industrial automation systems. Ordered work has been done with due diligence and under the strict OHS act. We highly value our cooperation and recommend it as a reliable contractor."
EDF Wybrzeże SA
Krzysztof Świtlik, Technical Director - Member of the Board
"The company IWT INTECH provided and supervised the installation of electrolyzer on the station. Has also done the electrical and electronics connections with the launch and regulation. Representatives of the IWT INTECH participated in the modernization of the general system of hydrogen BOT industry in terms of Control and Measurement Instruments and Automation (CMIA) as well as hydrogenation visualization process and the overarching monitoring systems data transmission."
Department of Electric Power at BOT PGE Bełchatów Power Station S.A.
Edward Czarzasty, Technical Director
"The professionalism, timing and reliability of the INTECH company are worth emphasizing, as well as the fact of effective reaction to any emerging needs and suggestions of the Investor. INTECH has proven its accurate technical and substantial preparation to implement topics such as pool water treatment. We value the accomplished task highly and recommend INTECH as a solid, reliable and trustworthy partner."
Academic Sports Centre of Gdańsk University of Technology
Mariola Bogdanowicz, Deputy Head for Administration
"The investment was executed in a timely manner, in accordance with the good engineering practice, applicable regulations, standards and the essentials of modern technical knowledge"
Mayor of Pruszcz Gdański
Janusz Wróbel
"The company INTECH (...) works with the Provincial Police Headquarters in Gdansk since 2005 in the scope of repair and calibration of portable and stationary breath alcohol testing equipment. The work carried out by INTECH company fulfills our expectations and servicing operations of these devices are held immediately, allowing us (...) to maintain work continuity."
Provincial Police Headquarters in Gdańsk
Colonel Czesław Koszykowski, Deputy Commander-in-Chief
"INTECH Company performed the ordered scope of work in a highly proffessional manner and following assumed terms. The company's experience with similar assignments were helpful in solving common technical problems. We would like to recommend INTECH as a reliable and professional partner that gives superior quality services and performance guarantee."
Echterhoff (ZP Bonduelle, Gniewkowo)
MSc. Jarosław Kawa, Member of the Board
"IWT INTECH established himself as reliable partner, timely, able to flexibly adapt to individual needs, serving advice at every stage of the order. Cooperation in the implementation of the project was excellent, as with the management and the executive team. With full responsibility we can recommend the company INTECH, as a professional, reliable and trustworthy contractor, guaranteeing efficient and comprehensive implementation of the investment."
PGE Dolna Odra Power Plant
Ryszard Wysocki, Chief Engineer
"Work has been done in the proper manner, in accordance with the requirements of the design documentation and technical conditions. Contractor himself as a reliable partner that guarantees the efficient and timely implementation of the overall investment."
Lotos Petrobaltic S.A.
Krzysztof Sułecki, Director of Drilling and Oil and Gas Production