In recent years the utilization of biomass, for energy purposes in Europe, is seeing the most dynamic growth. Germany, a world leader in this field, recorded the biggest development over the years. However, polish potential in renewable energy sector is described as 'high' [2].
To meet the expectations of the market, the Belgian branch of Clayton, developed a modern dual-system burner for its flagship product - Clayton Steam Generator. It allows to burn effectively both biogas and natural gas. The other parts of the boiler room are based on standard, proven solutions. After softening, raw water is prepared in a 2000 l deaerator tank. Then, boiler water is pumped by booster pumps and Clayton pump to the generator. Discharged water goes through the blowdown tank and when cooled - reaches the sewer.
Due to the fact that the boiler will operate all year round, an additional air heater was installed. This ensures comfortable temperature for an operating team and in case of downtime, protects the system against freezing water.
For Tervete company, biogas prepared in its reactors is a fuel for the steam generator as well as for two engines working in cogeneration system. Thanks to this solution, the farm obtains:
It is noteworthy, that IWT Intech offers comprehensive solutions of energy production in cogeneration. Boiler room of Synthos Chemical Plant, launched in 2011, is a great example of such a system.
[1] Tervete farm website
[2] Report: Agricultural-based biogas has potential in Poland