Uranium mine in Niger

Hot steam is used in almost every sector of the economy. From light industry to heavy manufacturing. From small boiler to nuclear power plants. This is demonstrated by our next project, which is the design and execution of complete water - steam boiler plant for uranium mine in Niger.

It is part of a Technip [1] consortium design - building project, that involves the doubling of uranium mining on the needs of Areva - the world's largest producer of nuclear reactors.

Developed in collaboration with the Belgian division of Clayton, the project aimed to build a steam boiler with a capacity of 1.5 MW and a peak capacity of 2000 kg of steam per hour. In addition, the customer needed an efficient apparatus for heating and hot water storage utility needs. 
In order to ensure the highest quality and minimize construction work on the site, boiler room with chimney and water necessary equipment were made in Gdansk. After transportation and embedding on the customer's foundations, boiler was connected to an existing installation. 
Equipment of the boiler plant was arranged in two 20 ft steel containers. Two Clayton steam generators together with the main water pump were placed in the first one. In the second one - boiler water preparation and storage equipment with supporting pumps were installed (hotwell tank, water softening and chemical dosing station, blowdown tank). In addition, the steam plant was equipped with a hot process-water tank of 9m3 volume with heat exchanger, mixing chamber and the necessary control elements. This configuration allows obtaining both steam and process water of different temperature, while the technology is fully automatic.

Given that all these elements were placed on such a small space we can proudly announce, that it is the smallest on the World boiler room that offers such a wide functionality.

Due to the harsh environmental conditions (Sahara) and the highest standards of safety, a boiler was made with the highest quality standards. This also applies to 7 meter high chimney, which will be exposed to high temperatures amplitudes and gusty desert winds. The highest standard of boiler plant were confirmed with many extensive quality tests before leaving the production hall in Gdańsk. And last but not least - the cooperation with Technip resulted in a first-class quality technological documentation.

[1] Technip - world leader in project management, engineering and construction for the energy industry. Present in 48 countries and employs over 40 000 people. Technip has state-of-the-art industrial assets on all continents and operates a fleet of specialized vessels for pipeline installation and subsea construction.