All boilers require blowdown for proper maintenance. However, blowdown losses for Clayton Steam Generators are generally less than for fire-tube boilers due to Clayton’s significantly higher tolerance for dissolved solids. Lower blowdown rates translate to savings in three areas: less total water is used, less water treatment is required and less heat is wasted. The latter results in large fuel savings in total boiler operation. Figure 8A dramatically demonstrates the difference in blowdown flow rates of the Clayton Steam Generator versus the fire-tube boiler.
Clayton Steam Generators can tolerate up to 11 times more dissolved solids than fire-tube boilers (40,000 ppm as opposed to 3,500 ppm) without affecting moisture carryover. This is due to the method of steam-water separation. The Clayton design incorporates a high velocity centrifugal separator whose function is totally unaffected by high concentration of dissolved solids. In this design, water is quickly and forcibly removed from the steam flow path. With fire-tube boilers, on the other hand, dissolved solids are critical due to the tendency of the water surface in the steam drum to foam and surge over as solids concentration increases.
There is about a four to one concentration of dissolved solids from the coil inlet to the coil exit due to the generation of steam in the coil. Thus, if water entering the coil has a concentration of 5000 parts per million, it will contain 20,000 parts per million at the core exit. For simplicity of monitoring and control, we refer to the concentration of the feedwater entering the coil.
In addition to affecting moisture carry-over, the amount of dissolved solids in the system affects scale formation on the heating surface. Due to the forced flow of water in the Clayton design, a much higher concentration of dissolved solids is tolerated without increasing scale build-up.
The Clayton standard design incorporates a continuous, proportional, automatic blowdown system. Water that is drained during blowdown is replaced by feedwater that contains a much lower level of dissolved solids. In this manner, an acceptable dissolved solids concentration is maintained while the steam generator is in operation. Blowdown water is drawn from the zone of highest concentration of dissolved solids, the steam separator.