Skid-packaged boiler room is fully functional, compact-size steam plant placed on a steel frame. It consists of all necessary equipment, armature and piping including one or more steam generators, a hotwell, water softeners, chemical dosing system and water pumps. Such a solution saves installation and commissioning time at client's side as majority of equipment is assembled in Intech's workshop in Gdańsk. In case of larger systems or for convenience it is also possible to package the feedwater separately.
It is worth to mention that SKID mounted boiler room introduces extra savings on its footprint. In case of some projects this factor is crucial as it prevents costly and time-consuming enlargement of existing boiler room. Another example can be offshore oil platform where space and time are at premium.
Steam Generator Skid Mounting:
piping and wiring of the steam generator along with all the water treatment skid components.
Water Treatment Skid Mounting:
piping and wiring on a common skid of the feedwater receiver, water softeners, chemical feed system, blowdown equipment and booster pumps.
Feedwater Receiver Skid Mounting:
piping and wiring of the feedwater receiver.
Custom solution:
on customer's demand.